Productive day yesterday. Drew together material on Nehemiah. Will need some refining, though. Very hard to judge how much material to include. The 'slot' each time is 1 hour 45 minutes, butt hat will include translation into the Luganda language. Will the translator do a word for word translation or just give the gist? Or will he/she expand on what I say? Then also, the fact that I will have to keep pausing to allow the translator to speak will presumably mean that even without translation, the part I deliver will take longer than usual. I'll let you know how it works out!
In addition to speaking at the Pastors' Conference in Hoima,-95.677068&sspn=58.425119,72.773438&hnear=Hoima,+Western+Region,+Uganda&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A
and Nansana
in Uganda I'll be with Stephen Cowan, PCI missionary in Tuum in northern Kenya
2.145652, 36.773331
Stephen is in Northern Ireland at the moment and he kindly called with me yesterday. We had a good chat about things including how to get from Nairobi to Tuum and then back again to catch the flight back home and other practicalities (such as don't wear open-toes sandals at night in case you get bitten by a scorpion!). There will be youth camps taking place at Tuum while I am there and may have some input into those on the same subject I'm speaking about at the conference, that is Biblical Leadership.
You can find out more about what Stephen and his wife Angelina are doing in Kenya at
If you would like to pray regularly for Stephen and other PCI missionaries you can get information here:
At the bottom of that page is a link for PCI members to get regular email updates.
We're having a family barbecue this afternoon so the work won't be intense, but I'm going to make a start on looking at the leadership given by Paul.
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